
Saturday 31 March 2018

My Kind Act 31/3/18

My connection with Lent was how I promised to do a kind act everyday of Lent.

Friday 30 March 2018

My Kind Act 30/3/18

My connection with Lent was how I promised to do a kind act everyday of Lent.

Basic facts test

Learning Goal- I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to remember my Basic
Facts because they
are the knowledge
I need to help me with strategies to
solve Maths problems.
On Monday I got
and Today I got

On Monday I got 28/40 and today I got 29/40 I am getting better and better and I am
Improving in my Basic facts.

Typing speed test

Learning Goal- am practising my typing so I can be quicker
and more accurate.
This will help me finish my work faster.
On Monday I got

and today I got
On Monday I got 33 and today I got 35 I am improving even more in my typing
and I am getting my work done faster.

Thursday 29 March 2018

My Kind Act 29/3/18

My connection with Lent was how I promised to do a kind act everyday of Lent.

Wednesday 28 March 2018

My Kind Act 28/3/18

My connection with Lent was how I promised to do a kind act everyday of Lent.

Tuesday 27 March 2018

My Kind Act 27/3/18

My connection with Lent was how I promised to do a kind act everyday of Lent.

Silent Reading today

I have been reading from page 20-29
This is what happened:

So after Billy was in the water and his leg touched the fire coral and it hurt so bad Dr D had to come save him. So later when Billy felt OK Sheena and him went to a lab owned by a man named Alexandra. The lab had different kinds of cool looking fish. There were Guppies and Seahorses and a eel that had a short name for it called Biff.

While Sheena and Billy were looking at the fish they heard a boat riding to the shore and in the boat there was a lady and a man. The boat had a name on the side, it was Marina Zoo. When they got out they waved to someone and Billy and Sheena immediately knew that it was Dr D. Meanwhile Alexandra ran out and said I'll be back later just feed Biff but Billy and Sheena were to scared to feed Biff.

Monday 26 March 2018

My Kind Act 26/3/18

My connection with Lent was how I promised to do a kind act everyday of Lent.

Silent Reading today

I have been reading from 12-20
This is what happen:

So there's this boy named Billy he likes the water. He has a sister named Sheena and his dad named Dr D. So when Billy was swimming he felt something pull him down and he looked what was pulling him and is was a Octopus. He screamed help help help help help!!! but no one heard him or saw him. Until after a while Dr D was pulling him up and said "I got you". Later when Billy was on the shore Dr D and Sheena said "are you OK" and Billy said "yes I am OK".

Meanwhile after he got saved him and Sheena had a race to the reef. While they were swimming Dr D shouted "NO COME BACK HERE" but Sheena and Billy pretended to not hear him. Later when Sheena won the race Billy cried "help help my leg hurts" then Dr D came as fast as he could and saved him again and Dr D said your leg is burnt by the fire coral.


Saturday 24 March 2018

My Kind Act 24/3/18

My connection with Lent was how I promised to do a kind act everyday of Lent.